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Université Pierre et Marie Curie |
UPMC represents French excellence in science and medicine. A direct descendant of the historic Sorbonne, UPMC is the top French university by the Shanghai world rankings, 7th in Europe and 36th in the world. UPMC encompasses all major sciences, such as mathematics (5th in the world); chemistry; physics; electronics; computer science; mechanics; Earth, marine and environmental sciences; life sciences; and medicine. University Pierre and Marie Curie hosts the summerschool and offers the facilities. | |
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We are a network of 5 university partners, 1 research organization, 2 industry partners and 5 associated partners. Established in September 2013 our main concern is to push forward new ideas and techniques within the field of hybrid thin films for new energy devices. The approach will focus on sustainable energy solutions and by this meeting one of our most challenging societal issues. To solve these challenges in a multi-disciplinary and intersectoral network gives outstanding possibilities for the young researchers involved. In five distinct workpackages we will investigate the thin-film formation, optimize interfaces and the liefetime and stability of the devices. The researchers involved get training possibilities that meet the high standard of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network | |
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PCAM offers international doctoral research at the exciting interface of Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science. | |
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Institut des Nanosciences de Paris |
The institute is a research unit associating the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC). It is managed by Christophe Testelin, senior research scientist at the CNRS. It is involved in fundamental research in nanosciences. | |
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Investissement d'avenir |
Le Commissariat général à l'investissement (CGI) est chargé de la mise en œuvre du programme d'investissements d'avenir. | |
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MATISSE, a multidisciplinary project at the frontiers of chemistry, physics and earth sciences consists of a research consortium which studies both natural and synthetic materials around major socio-economic issues related to the environment (eco-friendly materials, green catalysis, pollution control, natural resource management, biodegradation ... ). Testimonials of support from important members of the economic sector show the relevance of the research conducted by our consortium for the industrial and semi-industrial world. | |
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Labex MiChem |
MiChem est un des 15 laboratoires d'excellence (LabEx) portés par Sorbonne Universités et l'UPMC dans le cadre des Investissements d’avenir de la France. Notre objectif: intégrer les compétences des laboratoire de chimie physique, de chimie moléculaire, et de chimie théorique sur une approche unique des problématiques en travaillant avec des molécules diatomiques et des nano-objets de la même manière. Les projets de MiChem portent sur le financement de post-docs, de thèses, de bourses de mobilités, de conférences scientifique et d'instruments. Ces projets transdisciplinaires de pointe, les nouvelles méthodes de synthèse développées au sein des équipes du LabEx nous permettent au quotidien de lever les verrous technologiques auxquels la recherche fait face. | |
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FP7 |
European Union's Research and Innovation funding programme for 2007-2013 |